The Milo Hanson Buck – Largest Typical Whitetail Buck
Milo Hanson holds the world record for the largest typical whitetail deer ever taken by a hunter. This remarkable buck was harvested in November of 1993 in Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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Milo Hanson had been a hunter since a young age, and was familiar with the area he was hunting. He had been hunting the same area for several years and was well aware of the deer population there.
On the morning of November 23rd 1993, it was cold and clear with fresh snow on the ground. Milo spotted the massive buck and quickly took aim. After a nervous few moments, Milo was able to make the perfect shot and the buck was his. Milo was stunned by what he had just accomplished.
What was the Milo Hanson buck score?
The Milo Hanson buck had an inside spread of 24 inches and an incredible gross score of 213 4/8 with a weight of around 200 lbs. The right antler had 8 points and left antler had 6 points. The length of the right main beam length was 28 3/8″ and the left main beam was 28 1/8″. The greatest spread measured 29 1/8″ according to the official score sheet.
The buck was scored on January 22, 1994. As of 2023, the Milo Hanson buck still holds the title as the largest typical whitetail deer ever taken by a hunter.
How old was the Milo Hanson buck?
The estimated age for the Milo Hanson buck was 3.5 to 4.5 years old.
Where was the Milo Hanson buck killed?
According to the Pope & Young score sheet, the Milo Hanson buck was killed about 5 miles north of Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada on November of 1993.
Milo Hanson buck recognitions and awards
Milo was featured in several magazines and newspapers and was even invited to the Pope and Young Club’s banquet to be honored for his incredible harvest and achievement.
Milo’s buck has become an iconic symbol of hunting and wildlife conservation. It has been featured in countless hunting magazines and books and is often celebrated by hunters and wildlife conservationists alike. Milo Hanson’s world record buck is a reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of preserving wildlife.
Below is a chart of world record deer with Milo N. Hanson taking the top slot:
How much money did Milo Hanson make?
According to Milo Hanson himself, he made about $60,000 per year for 10 years on the buck. The money came from TV appearances, hunting shows and conferences, as well as replicas of the world record deer. There are about 50 replicas out there ranging from museums to Cabelas and Bass Pro.
Thanks for sharing this amazing buck
Huge buck and I couldn’t imagine being the world record holder for that
One of the greatest bucks to ever be harvested in modern times