photo of large alligator in the grass

Woman killed by alligator in Hilton Head Island

A woman was killed by an alligator while walking her dog in Hilton Head Island on Tuesday morning.

The 69 year old woman was walking her dog near a lagoon in the Spanish Wells community when she was attacked by an alligator. Beaufort County Deputies, Hilton Head Fire Rescue and community security responded to the scene. Upon arrival, the woman was found dead and unresponsive near the waters edge.

brams point road in hilton head sc
Map of Brams Point Road, where lady was killed by alligator

The alligator was removed from the lagoon and the sheriff’s office is investigating the incident.

Press release from Beaufort County Sheriff

The attack is the second fatal alligator attack in Hilton Head Island in less than a year. In August 2022, an 88-year-old woman was killed by an alligator while gardening near a pond.

Alligators are a common sight in South Carolina. There are an estimated 3,000 gators in Hilton Head. It is important to be aware of the risks of these animals and how dangerous they can be.

If you are walking near the water, pay close attention to your surroundings. If you have kids or dogs with you, be very cautious and do not get close to the waters edge of lagoons or other lakes.

If you see an alligator, do not approach it.


  • Hey folks! I'm Trey Copeland, founder of Made To Hunt. I'm from Kentucky and love the outdoors. I've been hunting or fishing in many states including KY, MO, MS, AR, TN and FL as well as Mexico and Costa Rica. For more updates follow me on Twitter.

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